Monday, 23 August 2021

Lockdown Writing 3

 On Friday 19 August. It was Friday. You know what that means do absolute nothing apart from watching YouTube. I woke up at 8:45. And when i woke up i didn't even know what day it was. And i went on my chrome book and checked the date and it WAS FRIDAY!!. I tried to find my keyboard. And i sadly couldn't find it so i just gave up. And later found it it was under the couch. (classic under the couch trick). I was like why am i writing in capitals turns out i pressed caps lock on my keyboard. Then i had my cereal (why didn't i have it when i woke up). When i was running down the hall way i hit my pinky toe on the hall way door(anything but the pinky toe). My cats were meowing and meowing for food. So i gave them their own breakfast. And i went outside and played with my Cricket ball. and it went over the fence then i got board and went back in side and i went and done some Maths-whizz. and got only 1 progression 1 are you kidding me. Then it was the ultimate battle. Bob the puppet VS daJeff3000. The second one won. And i ate chips'n dip. it was 3 o'clock okay jeez.

1 comment:

  1. Well Micah, it sounds like you should have started your day again..Have you had a better week this week? What is the best thing about learning online?


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